Monday, July 28, 2014

CEPAS Reflection

The consultants successfully outlined the important factors of the CEPAS implementation. Most importantly we were able to gain fundamentals to deploying an application this essential. The CEPAS standard was ideal for synchronizing the specifications for all cards. The IDA approached this implementation in the best way, by not merging NETS and LTA and allowing each company to independently develop their own business strategy and still remain competitive. This was important in the implementation process. Facilitating the process for consumers to exchange their cards easily at many multiple locations was very effective. Most importantly, we realized the third party involvement was key. It helped eliminate biases and helped develop the equitable payment system in a neutral aspect. The third party was effective because it had no stake involved and therefore allowed it to be very objective in reviewing and approving project specifications. It helps maintain the impartial view which benefits the overall goal.

The implementation of the CEPAS system had a great impact in Singapore. The CEPAS platform analysis was on target with it’s rating on the difference prior to and after the CEPAS implantation. It’s important to note that the convenience and the scalability were two factors that are crucial in its continued success. The motivation for all entities involved helped facilitate the implementation. The Singapore Government, LTA, NETS, card manufacturers, banks, retailers, car park operators and consumers were all important stakeholders that would greatly gain from CEPAS. To become a cashless society and for all the stakeholders to reap the benefits the most crucial stakeholder is the consumer. The blueprint outlined by the consultants will help guide us in other implementations that involve many businesses that have a lot at stake.

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